We gather together every Sunday morning at 10:30am to worship Jesus and hear from Him through the scriptures. We believe that when we worship Jesus and declare Him as king of our lives something of His kingdom breaks in bringing with it the goodness and peace of His reign. We also believe that His word brings life and so we love to spend time reading and hanging out in His word (the bible) together.
We are all one church, from the youngest to the eldest, and so we always start our gatherings by worshipping Jesus together. Then after our time of worship our young people and children head out to their own groups to explore the bible together and see how it speaks into their own lives through games, activities and age appropriate discussions.
As a church we are reading through the whole bible every two years. As we read the bible naturally we all have questions about some of the things we read and so every month we take your questions on the sections of the bible we have read that month and we answer them on our Bible Q&A podcast, which can be found on our general church podcast.
The prayer room
We have a prayer room that is open for all to use 24/7. You can book a one hour slot in the prayer room by clicking the link below and then selecting the date and time you wish to use it, and filling out your information on the form. Our office team will then be in touch to give you the access code prior to your booked slot.
Everywhere he went Jesus took the 12 disciples with him. We see in scripture that small, authentic community, where you can share life, pray together, and read and talk about the scriptures is essential for us to grow as followers of Jesus. Most our groups meet weekly on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings.
For young people in secondary school, aged 11-17. Youth Group meets every week (term time) at 7pm, in the youth lounge at Church. A space to hang out, have some fun, and discuss life, Jesus, the bible and more. For more details please email Emily Redshaw: emily@counterslip.org
Once a month, usually on the first Wednesday at 7:30pm, we gather at Margaret Cribbs house to pray for our mission partners, and for ourselves as a church as we seek to live out the mission of God to share the good news of Jesus. For more details please contact the church office.